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Scotti Sevven is an American born Alternative Rock / Industrial Rock singer / songwriter originally hailing from Boston, Massachusetts, and now residing in Gainesville, Florida, and performing under the name Scotti Sevven Music.  

He is the founder and lead singer of the band, Brite Phoenix, which was created in 2010 with their album, MORRIGAN – a blend of meaningful lyrics and beautiful melodies and featuring The McAbee ™.  This debut album enjoyed some success and buzz, and their follow-up albums, FARA TIL RÃN and OTHER THINGS in 2011 helped Sevven develop a more defined sound.  Their fourth album, K.M.A., recorded in 2012, shared that more defined original industrial sound.  Songs like K.M.A., Collective, & Nerve Endings showed the direction the band was heading, but due to financial setbacks and the relocating of both Scotti Sevven and band mate The McAbee ™, Sevven took a seven year hiatus from performing and writing.  

In 2020, Sevven began once again writing songs and finally released the long awaited K.M.A. album in June 2021 under Scotti Sevven Music. The newest album by Scotti Sevven Music, UNSETTLED WITHIN, is scheduled to be released in August of 2021.  The future is looking bright with these two new album releases and a tour to follow and work already progressing with even more new songs for another upcoming release.  Keep your eyes on Scotti Sevven!